Zero-day windows bug puts your job on the line!

How would you like to walk in to work one day, be met with your belongings in a cardboard box on your desk, and being told you are no longer employed? Wouldn’t be nice, would it? Well, once a hacker decides he wants to try and get some money out of your business, coupled up with a bit of negligence when checking an unknown email, combined with an unprotected system that isn’t backed up, you my friend have the perfect ingredients to being shown the door, with the entire blame on you!

U.S. cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA for short, has announced they’ve added a high-risk windows zero-day vulnerability to its catalogue of actively exploited bugs. Zero-day vulnerabilities are serious business, they have no fix for them and typically are not known to the developers. To make matters worse, this is being used in Ransomware attacks, so not only are you at risk of losing your job, but you could also be costing your employer some serious money.

Want to know more about the vulnerability? Find out here –

With no fix available, you aren’t completely defenceless, a third-party backup would be the first thing on your mind to keep you protected. Something that a hacker wouldn’t be able to affect, as it would be stored in a separate location, a ransomware may lock your computer, but a backup stored elsewhere would not become encrypted, meaning you are able to avoid paying what is sometimes a £1 million ransom. In most cases, these files don’t even become unencrypted after a ransom is paid, which is why paying these should be avoided, furthermore paying the hackers only encourages them to keep doing it.

Backup Systems doesn’t want you to ruin your life like the hackers do, we want to offer you the perfect defence against the cyber criminals. We offer a magnitude of backup options for you to choose from, we have no doubt that you’ll be able to find an appropriate option that suits your needs. We’ve passed certifications that guarantee we are correctly looking after your data, we protect it with SSO and MFA authentication, so you don’t have to worry about anyone unauthorised gaining access.

Certain bigger companies will treat you like another number in their system, Backup Systems isn’t like that at all. We take care of our clients and be sure to communicate with them like actual people, building up trust and relationships with our clients is just as important as keeping their systems safe. We respond as quick as possible and with us being UK based, you don’t have to worry about if your ticket will be delayed because of time zones, we’re straight on it!

Whether it be from virtual machines or numerous laptop backups for your employers, we know you’ll find the right fit for you, all of which can be viewed here –

Don’t fret about picking the wrong choice, our services all have a FREE demonstration available, which you can arrange with us by emailing us at or calling us at 0845 671 0290.

Our clients are happy with Backup Systems, and we have no doubt you’ll be too, see what our current clients have to say about us here –

Photo by Daniel Lawrence