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The biggest IT outage of all time

I’m sure you would have all seen the IT outage that caused chaos throughout the UK and worldwide recently, Microsoft systems became useless as users were met with blue screens of death. Hundreds of people were left confused and frustrated, as the issues caused by the outage left airports having to cancel many of peoples flights. This kind of mayhem is often akin to malicious behaviour, with ransomware being the go-to as the culprit for such computer downtime. However, the outage was due to a glitch that came from security company, CrowdStrike. Due to a corrupted software update, users ended up with their systems being unable to be used, but with many of its users being in critical services, you can see how this outage was a little more than a minor hiccup.

Along with this, the opportunist hackers are wasting little time taking advantage of the affected users. The panic and desperation of wanting to get what’s important to you back up and running, leaves you scrambling to get it sorted fast. Hackers are preying on your desperation by setting up malicious sites, these fake pages promise the fix to get your device back up and running. These should be heavily ignored, as well as any phone calls you may receive, as these phishing attempts could see you suffering even more.

Microsoft have released a recovery tool for anyone affected which can be found here – https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/intune-customer-success/new-recovery-tool-to-help-with-crowdstrike-issue-impacting/ba-p/4196959

With this being the biggest IT outage since 2017’s WannaCry, you should be asking yourself, do you have the measures in place to recover from such a disaster?

Backup Systems is your answer to being able to bounce back from any disaster your system might run in to. Backups with us couldn’t be any more convenient, let us do the heavy lifting for you, while you carry on with your day-to-day work, without having to worry about if it will still be there the next day. Your backups are remotely stored away from your main systems, meaning they won’t become affected by any attacks or downtime that your main system may suffer with. We have the certification to prove we know how to correctly handle user data, that being ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials, these are high level qualifications, that give you the reassurance your data is in safe hands.

Your backups are SSO and MFA protected, so not just anyone is going to get a hold of your systems, you’ll have to give additional information than just a username and password. We offer a variety of backup solutions for you, all of which can be found under our managed services section of our website here – https://www.backup-systems.co.uk/managed-data-backup/. We want you to be filled with the confidence that you’re getting exactly what you’re after, which is why we offer a FREE demonstration of all of our managed services. Just email us at info@backupsystems.co.uk or call us on 0845 671 0290, where we will have no problem getting what you need.

Don’t be the odd one out that isn’t making the most of being with Backup Systems, we have plenty of clients who have had nothing but great things to say about us. Check out our 5* reviews here – https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd

Photo by Daniel Lawrence & Moritz Mentges

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