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The 3-2-1 Backup rule.

Ever heard of the 3-2-1 Backup rule? It’s a strategy used as an effective disaster recovery plan, helping mitigate the risk of total data loss. The method of the rule covers every possible risk, ensuring that should any potential threat occur, whether that be hardware failure or cyber-attacks, you have a backup that you can restore from, that isn’t affected by the initial threat. But what specifically is the 3-2-1 Backup rule? Let’s break down.


3 Copies

So, you’ve backed up your system, now do it again! While one backup is a good start, why stop there? Having another backup is another layer of security, which is easy enough to set up with the amount of backup options that exist nowadays. You want to have at least 3 copies of what you’re backing up, including the original system itself.


2 Types of media

Your backups should be stored on 2 different types of media. This can be anything from on-premises hardware, hard drives, cloud storage, etc. Having a variety of options that exist, all of which can have their benefits, as well as the risk of their failures, can help prevent data loss. Not putting all your eggs in one basket can help you in the event of a disaster, if you have all your backups in cloud storage, and that cloud storage suffers an issue, that’s all your backups gone. But, if you separate them with different types of storage, it’s much easier to avoid disaster.


1 Copy off-site

Finally, 1 copy of your backups should exist in an entirely different remote location, away from your current system. Say someone in your business opens a link from a phishing email, then boom, your entire system has been compromised. If you backups exist on that same infrastructure, then you won’t be able to restore from those, as no doubt they’ll be affected too. Having an off-site backup keeps it away from your main system, keeping it unaffected should disaster occur. You can also restore from this backup, with you back up and running in a matter of hours.


So now you know what the 3-2-1 Backup rule is, your next step is to acquire these types of backups, and there’s no better place to do so than with us at Backup Systems. We can provide you the service you need to ensure you’re following the 3-2-1 rule, providing you with not only off-site, on-premises and cloud backup options, but also a fantastic service that many of our clients have been more than happy with. Don’t believe us? Take a look at what our current clients have said here – https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd.


Visit our managed services page here – https://www.backup-systems.co.uk/our-backup-and-recovery-services/. This covers everything we have to offer, you’ll no doubt find a service that is appropriate for you. If you’re doubting that a service may not be suitable for you, don’t fret! We offer a free demonstration of all of our services, which can be provided over a Teams or Zoom call. So, what are you waiting for? Email us at info@backupsystems.co.uk, or call us on 0845 671 0290, to book your demonstration today!

Photo by Daniel Lawrence, Icons By Freepik, iconsmind and Xinh Studio 

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