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New Features, and the importance of MFA.

Backup systems are constantly improving the way we take care of clients’ important systems, with new features being added constantly that make it easier than ever for you to handle and manage your backups.

We recently added support for exporting emails to either a PST format, individually as MSGs, or as a direct restore to Microsoft 365. Previously, we were only able to allow you to download as MSG (on the email archive) but now you have the option of the ones we listed above. PST formats are beneficial as they don’t count towards your mailbox size limits, allowing you to free up space while keeping your emails.

For our existing clients, the improvements to email archiving will be a warm welcome, as for anyone reading this who isn’t yet archiving their emails with us, we highly recommend you do so. Our email archive is a full archive of your emails, which will never get deleted. Incoming emails are archived at the same time as you receive them, so even if you delete them on your end, a copy with exist in the backup, as well as emails you send.

We also have an in-depth GUI that lets you search thoroughly through your inbox, with filters such as who sent the email, who it was sent to, what day it was sent, if it contains specific characters and many more. This search can be narrowed down to specific folders in your mailbox too, so you can narrow down exactly what you’re looking for.

We also want to stress the importance of MFA, we use MFA on our user portal which includes the email archive, as it gives that extra layer of security that seems to be a necessity nowadays. Making a secure password is one thing, but when these end up in the wrong hands, you’ll find yourself scrambling to regain access. With data breaches happening more frequently than before, a strong password just isn’t going to cut it anymore, MFA is needed to prevent access.

Our user GUI portal uses MFA, with the Google Authenticator app to generate the code. This code changes frequently and can only be accessed from your device, it’s an additional piece of information that is required for you to log in to the portal. This doesn’t mean you should have a weak password just because you have a secure code to be entered as well, the usual practice should be applied to create a strong and safe password, that isn’t used elsewhere.

Google cloud is making it mandatory for its users to have MFA enable, as you can see here – https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/mandatory-mfa-is-coming-to-google-cloud-heres-what-you-need-to-know this should stress to you how important, as well how as how common place MFA is becoming.

If you’d like to read more about our email archiving solution as well as our other managed services, you can do so here – https://www.backup-systems.co.uk/managed-data-backup/. Any of these services can be demonstrated to you free of charge, book now by emailing us at info@backupsystems.co.uk or call us at 0845 671 0290. You can also read how satisfied our clients are with our service over on our reviews page here – https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd

Video by Daniel Lawrence & Pressmaster

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