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Fake chrome updates spreading malware to unsuspecting users.

Hackers are targeting vulnerable websites and injecting scripts, tricking users in to thinking they need to update their google chrome. The update is in fact fake malware, masked as a google update, leaving users to believe they have downloaded a legit chrome update.

Once downloaded the malware gets to work, leaving the users computer compromised to the hacker.

More can be read about the malware here https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hacked-sites-caught-spreading-malware-via-fake-chrome-updates/

Even with a legit name that you can trust, you should always double check what you are downloading is in fact what it claims to be, updating your chrome correctly through the browser’s settings rather than through a downloaded file is how it should be done.

One mistake can put your entire system at risk, leaving you without your important files and unable to recover. That is why it is vital that you have a backup of your system, to restore and recover in the event of a cyber attack.

Backup Systems offers a wide range of options to backup your systems, all of which can be viewed from our managed services page, or by getting in contact and booking a demo.

Cyber attacks are on the rise every week, act now before it’s too late.

Photo by Daniel Lawrence and Brett Sayles

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