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Even MFA isn’t enough to protect you!

With phishing attacks being such a simple way to infiltrate and infect a system, it’s no surprise that hackers have advanced to the point where they are now bypassing MFA, a security feature designed to be safer than a standard password. Microsoft 365 and Gmail accounts are being targeted with phishing attacks, which is nothing new, except now the extra layer of security that you get with MFA is being completely bypassed to gain access to these accounts.

MFA, which stands for Multi Factor Authentication, is an extra step a user must take to login to an account. Once a user enters their password, they are then promoted to enter an additional code, which is either generated from email, text message, or an app such as Google authenticator. You’d think that would be enough to protect your account, but hackers will stop at nothing to gain access where they shouldn’t.

The phishing attacks have been conducted by threat actors stealing session cookies, with the user’s login credentials being intercepted, except now they are finding a way to bypass the MFA mechanism, entirely. A more in depth look on how the phishing attack is being conducted can be read at the link here. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-mfa-bypassing-phishing-kit-targets-microsoft-365-gmail-accounts/

We’ve stated before, Microsoft aren’t responsible if something was to happen to the data you hold with them. If this phishing attack was to happen to your Microsoft 365, you can’t get in contact with Microsoft to retrieve it, you’re on your own! If you haven’t got a backup solution in place, then you will more than likely have to start from scratch and accept defeat.

We don’t want to see that happen, which is why Backup Systems is your choice of protecting your organisation. The last thing you want to do is to go to work one morning, to find you are responsible for an entire organisation being wiped, thanks to one single phishing attack. The blame will be on your hands, as well as your job, which is why we suggest you head on over to our managed services, where you can see the many options, you can choose from, to get the correct backup option for you.

Once you’ve found which backup suits your requirements, treat yourself to a FREE demonstration on us, just to make sure it’s what you’re after, and if it isn’t we can steer you in the right direction. Book your slot with us, by emailing info@backupsystems.co.uk and let us know when we can guide you through our service, or if you’d prefer, you can call us at 0845 671 0290.

Our quality of service can only be sold so well by us, which is why we’d like you to check out our review page, where you can see what our clients have to say about what we have on offer. https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd

Photo by Daniel Lawrence, Tracy Le Blanc & Pietro Jeng


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