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Don’t trust us? Put your mind at ease with an audit!

Putting your entire IT infrastructure in the hands of a third-party backup provider can be a hard choice to make. You don’t want to pick someone who will mess you about, or not take care of your data correctly. Backup Systems wants to reassure our clients, as well as our future clients, that we take handling user data seriously. This is why we welcome any of you who have doubts to audit us!

We recently had an audit done that was sourced by a client of ours, which we passed with flying colours. For those who may not know, an audit is where an external party inspects what we do, to make sure we’re operating correctly, within certain regulations and guidelines. This can reassure you more so than our word can, it’s a non-biased additional peace of mind that will prove to you that backup systems are providers you can trust.

Positive audits aren’t the only way we let clients know of our fantastic service, our marketing features certain certifications that we’ve achieved that further prove our competence with your data. One of these is IS27001, which is the world’s best-known standard for information security management systems (ISMS). We’ve achieved this certification for 6 years running now, it benefits us as it makes sure we’re maintaining and continually improving as technology changes, but also confirms to you that we’re on top of our game. If you’d like to know more about ISO, you can do so here – https://www.iso.org/home.html

Another we have is the Cyber Essentials certification. A government-backed scheme that helps us protect against common online security threats, cyber essentials is encouraged for all organizations, no matter their size. We have this certification to reassure you that we are actively securing our systems to prevent cyber-attacks. You can trust your data with us knowing we will take care of it the same way we would our own. The Cyber Essentials certification backs our claims of being able to protect your infrastructure. More about cyber essentials can be found here – https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberessentials/overview

As always, a list of our managed services can be found on our website here – https://www.backup-systems.co.uk/managed-data-backup/

All of the services found at the link above can be demonstrated to you for FREE, which can be organized by emailing us at info@backupsystems.co.uk or by calling us at 0845 671 0290. We offer a wide range of services, with no doubt that you’ll be able to find something that will be suitable for your business. We offer a demo for free as we want you to be sure you’re getting the appropriate backup solution that you require, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us to back up your systems today!

Feel free to check out our 5* reviews from our clients too, to further convince you that Backup Systems is the choice for you – https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd

Photo by Daniel Lawrence & Agence Olloweb

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