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Backup Systems is Cyber Essentials Certified!

Our weekly blog posts have a few logos that appear on the graphic that goes along with them, one of which is our proof of being Cyber Essential certified. But what does that mean? And what does that have to do with our clients? Well, it’s not just a graphic and some words, here’s what being Cyber Essentials is, and why it benefits you that we have such a certification.

Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme that helps us protect against common online security threats, such as cyber attackers. It is encouraged by all organisations to have it, no matter what the scale of their business is. Once you pass and are able to show you’re compliant, and correctly know how to protect yourself from malicious attackers, you’re granted a certification that proves you’re compliant with Cyber Essentials.

This kind of certification not only benefits us, as it proves we’re able to protect ourselves and the data we hold correctly, but it also proves to you that the data you have backed up with us is in safe hands, with government approval that we have the measures in place to protect it. Choosing the right backup provider can be a tough decision, you’re putting your important systems in the hands of strangers, with only what they have to say for themselves to go off of. Our Cyber Essentials certification is one way for us to prove to our clients that you can put your trust in us.

Another way we can reassure you of reliability, is by reading our various 5-star reviews found here – https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd

Ready to get a backup solution that won’t let you down? With a UK based team that are able to help as soon as you need it, we promise you’ll not be disappointed. For a free demonstration of our services get in touch today!

Email us at info@backupsystems.co.uk

or call us at 0845 671 290.

Photo by Daniel Lawrence & Nastuh Abootalebi


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