What if the real threat is in your own company?
More often than not a threat to your system comes in the form of a cyber attacker, or maybe even just a natural occurrence, like hardware failure. These threats are always either from an external source or just a freak accident, but what if someone in your workforce intentionally spread malware around your systems, with the intent of causing havoc? It’s quite an unusual case, but exactly that happened recently.
As reported by Bleeping Computer, a software developer decided after he got demoted, he would run a custom malware and install a Killswitch on his now ex-employers system. His actions managed to cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars, with him locking out thousands of employees with the Killswitch, which was activated once his company account was disabled in the windows active directory.
More about the incident can be read here – https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/developer-guilty-of-using-kill-switch-to-sabotage-employers-systems/.
Thinking you’re immune to outside attacks or hardware failure is one thing, but what if the real threat to your system was inside your own business? Backing up your systems shouldn’t even be a question, but can you trust your employees not to go rogue and cause you to lose it all? While a cyber attack and hardware failure are preventable, it’s even harder to avoid the unpredictable actions of an insider.
You can, however, make the correct step in the right direction when it comes to protecting yourself, by entrusting your systems with us here at Backup Systems. Something went wrong with your main system, no problem, you’ll be able to restore it from the backup as these are kept off site with us, and will be unaffected from any threats or failures that occur on your end. We do all the heavy lifting of regularly backing up your systems, while you carry on with your work life worry free.
We have more than just your standard data backup, we offer cloud data backups, Google workspace, SharePoint and Microsoft 365, VMware and Hyper-V, and so much more. A full breakdown of all of these services and more that we offer can be found here – https://www.backup-systems.co.uk/our-backup-and-recovery-services/.
We strongly suggest that you waste no time in getting in contact with us, the longer you leave it, the more risk you pose to your systems. It’s not a matter of ‘if’ something happens, it’s a case of ‘when’ it happens. Cyber-attacks are happening daily, and the criminals are only getting smarter. All of our services offer a free demonstration, for you to know the ins and outs of the service you’ll be getting without investing 100% into it blindly.
Ready to get your systems backed up? Email us at info@backupsystems.co.uk or call us on 0845 671 0290, and we’ll get back to you in no time! We’ve worked with several clients over the years, all of which had nothing but positive things to say about us. Read their thoughts about backing systems here – https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd.