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With the rise in remote working, are you keeping your systems backed up?

Since covid restrictions have lifted, many of those who previously weren’t remote workers found themselves continuing to work from home, with the most common being hybrid working, which means time was split between going into a workplace and working from home.

The office of national statistics reported that “In February 2022, 84% of workers who had to work from home because of the coronavirus pandemic said they planned to carry out a mix of working at home and in their place of work in the future”.

More can be read about those statistics here https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/articles/ishybridworkingheretostay/2022-05-23

Working from home puts you in charge of your systems, it becomes even more important to ensure they are correctly backed up when you have important work on them.

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Photo by Daniel Lawrence, Simon Abrams and Brett Sayles

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